Duck. Duck. Moose! Season Pass

The DDM SEASON PASS requires you to purchase at least one ticket to each DDM performance on November 9, January 18 and April 12, with a 15% discount for your purchase.

Excludes Laugh Out Longview Improv Festival

Theatre Longview Season Pass

The TL SEASON PASS requires you to select at least one ticket per event in our season. You will be required to reserve your seat, which can be changed at a later time if need be. This pass provides 20% off your total purchase.

If you purchase tickets for multiple nights for one event, you will still have to purchase tickets for other events.

Theatre & Improv Lover's 8 Ticket Flex Pass

The Theatre & Improv Lover's 8 Ticket Flex Pass is $90 for 8 tickets to any Theatre Longview or Duck. Duck. Moose! event (excluding the Laugh Out Longview Improv Festival) - saving you up to $30! This is your bulk discount on tickets. Great for couples who attend every show, as well as larger groups. Get some friends together to see the show and save!

You are not required to purchase tickets for each event and you may use your flex pass code at any time throughout the season. Flex pass codes expire on September 30, 2025.

Theatre & Improv Super Fan 12 Ticket Flex Pass

The Theatre & Improv Super Fan 12 Ticket Flex Pass is $130 for 12 tickets to any Theatre Longview or Duck. Duck. Moose! event (excluding the Laugh Out Longview Improv Festival). This gets you an up to $45 discount! 

This is your bulk discount on tickets. Great for families who attend every show, as well as larger groups. Get some friends together to see the show and save!

You are not required to purchase tickets for each event and you may use your flex pass code at any time throughout the season. Flex pass codes expire on September 30, 2025.

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